Cauliflower Fried Rice Recipe

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So you guys know that Zach and I are trying to reduce our meat intake and UP our veggie intake. We eat wayyyy too much meat and I've read that there are a TON of benefits to eating a more plant based diet.

I'm not going to give up meat completely because I LOVE ground turkey and I can't be living life without Taco Tuesday.

Buuuutttt I am challenging myself to eat completely vegetarian for at least one week to see how my body reacts/feels AND just to see if I can do it! I like to challenge myself and prove to myself that I can do hard this was just another challenge! :)

So tonight I made C A U L I F L O W E R  F R I E D  R I C E!

But the cauliflower SERIOUSLY tasted like rice! You never would have known it was cauliflower!

My husband even thought it was rice!

It was REALLY good and super filling! I even called my mom to share the recipe with her because I was so EXCITED about how it turned out! {At the age of 28...I still want my momma to be proud of me!}

Okay so the recipe below was enough to serve a FREAKIN ARMY! I'm not sure why I felt the need to make this much food HA! At least we'll have it for leftovers!

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2 bags of frozen cauliflower {you totally could use fresh cauliflower}
1 bag of frozen carrots
1 bag of frozen peas
6 eggs
2 tsp of coconut oil {you could use sesame oil or olive oil}
4 tsp of liquid aminos
a teensy bit of salt and pepper


1. Use a food process or blender {I used a blender because I was too lazy to pull out my food processor--but make sure not to blend it too much because then it'll just turn to a powdery consistency--so just pulse slowly for a couple of seconds}

2. Add oil to your large pan or wok.

3. Add all of the veggies to the hot oil.

4. Cook the veggies on medium heat for about 15-20 minutes--stirring occasionally. I covered the pan halfway with the lid so it would cook a little faster.

5. At about the 15 minute mark, add a little bit of salt and pepper.

6. Add your eggs to the veggie mix. Cook for about 7 more minutes..scrambling the eggs.

7. Add the liquid aminos to the mixture and stir for a couple more minutes to let the aminos soak into the mixture.

That's it! Seriously let me know if you try it!!



  1. I am making this right now. I am a little skeptical about the flavor profile. The squash may be a litle light for the sauce. Just pulled it out of the broiler. Looks good waiting for the wife.

  2. I’m in crockpot heaven…i am bookmarking this page and will go through these recipes. I just used my crockpot today (chili) and I’m always looking for new crockpot recipes to try. thanks.
    Harold Burton

  3. Looks yummy! You list garlic in the ingredients list, but I don’t see where you add it to the recipe. I would guess that you add it to the partially sautéed onions Thanks.
    Joseph Donahue

  4. I so enjoy your site and your recipes. Would you please consider adding a print option so we can enjoy your recipes a little more easily. Thank you.
    Holly Hooper
