How do you cook Tofu?!

Zach and I are branching out and trying to eat less meat & wanting to follow more of the plant based lifestyle. I'm not sure how long this will last but we're gonna try!! I do love my meat! But I've heard it's good for the body and has a ton of health I at least want to give it a shot and see how I feel!
But I've been really wanting to try Tofu  for like everrrrr.. so Zach and I decided to try some for dinner! I had no clue how to make it haha but when I googled, I read how you definitely want to drain it and get all of the water out of it BEFORE cooking it.

So here's what I did:
I bought it already cubed. Make sure you get the super firm kind..that's what google said! Apparently it makes it more crispy when you cook it!
I drained the water out, then set it on a paper towel, put another paper towel on top to press more of the water out.
I added a little bit of coconut oil to the pan.
Cooked the tofu on medium-high, until it got super crispy!
I had it on the side of some squash & zucchini and roasted sweet potatoes. It was actually super delish!! It kind of tasted like cheesy grits!!


  1. These recipes all look amazing. If I had kids, I would totally try them with them! Cheese is my favorite food group so….. Access the Dark Web Deep Web stories Deep Web Reddit Links Deep Web Browsers

  2. I have that cheese book! Sadly, I haven’t had time to make anything from it but the recipes are spelled out simply and it seems really approachable. I’d recommend it … if just for the pictures of cheese.
    Jayme Silvestri
