Plant Based Food Struggle!

25 minutes of WERK! DONE! I used my beachbody on demand and did T25 with the hubs.✌🏼{if you're thinking about trying Beachbody on Demand, let me know and I'll message you the link for the new access pass that came out yesterday!!!}

Working on dinner..still trying to stick with more plant based stuff..although we had shrimp last night. Oops! Ha!🙈 It's def out of my comfort zone trying to find more veggie based recipes that are simple and quick but filling at the same time. I get so overwhelmed when looking for new recipes on Pinterest and then just totally give up.

Keeping it simple tonight and roasting some broccoli & butternut squash in the oven, then we'll have some quinoa on the side that's already made from last night. Got all my protein {eggs, yogurt, Shakeology, Recover protein shake} in earlier in the day so now just loading up with veggiessss!

1 comment

  1. thabks for sharing this tip! It’s going to be my first time to bake spaghetti squash and I’m lucky to have read your post I’m so excited that I won’t fail because your tips are easy and perfect! Pickup Lines Google Gravity Tricks I love you quotes Good Night Quotes
