Egg Muffins NEED these in your life. 

I feel like I'm ALWAYS on the run and forever not having time to make breakfast in the morning, especially with getting a toddler ready for daycare in the morning PLUS trying to get to work on time. 

These EGG MUFFINS are AH-mazing! I make a bunch on Sundays, put them in baggies, then freeze them. I pop these babies in the microwave in the morning and eat them on the way to work! 

All you do:

Dice up some broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes or whatever veggies you like! You can even add turkey bacon and a little cheese!

Saute the veggies in 1 tbsp of coconut oil.

Crack 12 eggs in a bowl.

Put veggie mixture in muffin tin.

Pour egg mixture over top, then kind of stir it a little.

Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes! 

If you follow the 21 Day Fix eating plan like I do, 2 muffins counts as 1 red! 


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