Workout With Me

Think you might be ready for a Challenge Group?...a super fun experience that isn't full of empty promises? ...a place where we actually CARE that you get the results you want?

I'm looking for a SPECIFIC kind of girl. I'm looking for the woman who wants to lose 10-25lbs. Is that you? Has your friend said she wants to lean out and drop 10?

Why 10-25lbs? Because that's where I was when I started my journey after I had my beautiful baby girl. I was unhappy with the way I looked and felt..I was depressed and full of anxiety..I didn't recognize my body anymore or myself. Who was this person? 

I was VERY doubtful that a HOME workout program would make me lose the the weight. Before having my daughter, I was a GYM JUNKIE...I literally spent hours in the gym getting lean and cut. So why would a HOME workout program work? But this was all I had time for now that with a little it HAD to work. 

And sure enough--it did!

The picture on the left is 6 weeks Postpartum and the picture on the right is after doing three rounds of the 21 Day Fix!

I was plugged into an ONLINE Challenge Group on Facebook full of women with similar goals as mine. I was held accountable, supported & ENCOURAGED!!! Because of that, I reached my goal, SHOCKED MYSELF and eliminated the previous quitter in me.

There is such a variety of programs you can choose from:
  • They are short & sweet, most requiring only 30 minutes a day.
  • You eat normal food.
  • You don't have to guess and spend HOURS meal prepping.

It's simple. It's fun. I give away prizes too! Who doesn't like prizes?!

You have one on one support, a FUN group, nutritious tips, meal plans, meal ideas, recipe ideas, you WILL tone and tighten your body in 30-45 minutes a day. My Challenge Groups last 21 DAYS total, and you will always be invited to continue on to the next one to keep crushing your goals!

I'm looking for women who are ready. I choose TEN women a month, every month. 


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