28 Weeks Pregnant!

I can't believe this sweet girl will be here in two months!!! I know my life is going to change COMPLETELY but I am so excited about the new adventure ahead! 

I've been feeling pretty good so far throughout this pregnancy (this is my 2nd pregnancy) so I'm super grateful for that!

Here are some stats for how I'm feeling at 28 weeks:

How far along: 28 weeks

Maternity clothes: I'm still refusing to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes--rotating through stretchy dresses that I have in my closet--don't judge.

Sleep: Starting to feel really uncomfortable and not able to find a position that's comfortable. I feel so bad that hubby has to deal with my constant moving around! I'm not using any pillows..they make me too hot. And I'm still getting up multiple times to waddle to the bathroom.

Miss anything: Wine! Especially on Thursday nights when watching Greys and Scandal!

Movement: Tons! I can feel her little knees moving ALL around!

Cravings: Anything salty and crunchy. Cool ranch Doritos are my weakness!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks Contractions, some pressure on my bladder, sooo sleepy, lots of hip pain

Mood: Happy!

Exercise: 22 minute hard corps workout 4-5 times a week

Looking forward to: my next appointment to see how baby girl's doing and how big she's gotten!


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