Diamond Leadership Retreat {Part 1}

Best. Weekend. Ever.

And not because I was baby-less and husband-less for an ENTIRE WEEKEND!

Well maybe a little..HA!

But because my upline sponsor on my Beachbody Coaching team hosted an AMAZING and honestly... an UNFORGETTABLE leadership retreat for all of her Diamond Leaders a couple of weeks ago.

It was seriously something I would have seen on TV (Like The Bachelor but without a bachelor, the drama and oh..that one crazy chick haha just the amazing house, cool chicks, and the fun stuff!) ...

I never thought in a million years that I'd be able to get to go on something like this.

It definitely brought me back to my college sorority years! <3

When my coach first told us about the retreat and what we had to do in our business to get there...umm you better believe I was going to work for it! I didn't care what it took.  I'm that type of person where if you tell me to do something that's going to result in earning some kind of reward (big or small)..I'm going to do it!

Shooot.. I'm motivated by pretty pens.. so when the chance to stay in a beautiful mansion & get spoiled and pampered all weekend came up...


I started this business with a baby (now I have two babes), a husband in med school, and as an elementary school teacher working full time.. but I was determined to make it happen.. even with all the craziness going on in my life.

And I did.

And it was SO worth it.

I seriously CANNOT wait for the retreat next year!

{P.S. You need to be here with me next year!!!}

Shoot me an email and I can give you some info on the exclusive trips my team hosts! Not all teams do retreats like this, so we are blessed for sure to be part of an amazing team. <3

My email: neslimorie@gmail.com OR you can message me on facebook.

So here are some pictures of the house we stayed in! Eeeeee! So insane!

{Photo Credits: Nathan Robinson}

 The Entrance!

The front stairway. 
My face is on a huge poster! Whaaatttt?!

Love the little details--here we picked up our Girlboss folders with the agenda for the weekend and other fun stuff checklist-y business stuff. ( I LOVE checklists & cute folders--well..I love all office supplies haha)

How gorgeous is this dining area?! We all had a cute, personalized bag with fun gifts inside!

 Shakeology Bar..duhh! A house full of beachbody coaches..you better believe we're drinking our Shakeology on vacay!! #unlimitedshakeo

 This is the living room! We gathered here for team bonding activities and trainings!

This is the gym in the house. Yes. A gym INSIDE the house! 
Does that seem crazy to anybody else?!

 This is where we did our group workouts and more team bonding activities!

This is the movie room! How cute are our matching PJs!?

 Here's the pool!

So those are just a few of the pictures of the house that I wanted to share with you!

Check back in later this week with a Part 2 blog post, where I'll share more of the cute little details of the house and all the fun stuff that we did!


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