10 Ways To Stay Healthy During A Move

Oh. My. Gosh.

Moving with a 4 month old that doesn't like to nap is the hardest and most exhausting thing I've ever done in my life! 

I'm literally sitting in the middle of my apartment--on the floor--surrounded by boxes as I type this post. :) I just have to keep telling myself to take things one step at a time--it WILL get done.

(She's cute though right?!)

The hubby and I have moved every year for the past 4 years and I'm pretty much over moving ha! The good thing though is that we will be in West Palm Beach for 2 years while hubby completes his clinical rotations for his 3rd and 4th year of med school. SOOOOO I don't have to think about moving for another 2 years. 


Well, we've "successfully" moved out of our old apartment and into our new apartment. For those of you who know me, know that I am the most anal, organized, Type A person...

HOWEVER, "success" with this move was just getting all of our STUFF OUT of the old and into the new place---and I didn't even CARE about organization--we just kind of SHOVED everything into the car (with an infant on my hip) and got it from point A to point B. 

That's a success in my book!  

So the other thing about the move is that it is FREAKING hard to eat healthy and keep up with my workouts. However, I'm actually pretty proud of myself because I've managed to somehow stay on track (for the most part) with my fitness goals. I do have to admit though....we did have pizza one night last week and Chick-fil-A for lunch on moving day...oops. 


Those were my only two "happy meals". Hallelujah for self control! 

So here are 10 things that helped me stay on track with my health and fitness during all of this CRAZINESS:

  1. Paper plates, bowls, spoons, and forks were a must.  If I didn't have these, I definitely would have been tempted to eat outside my home.
  2. Instant oatmeal packets (original)--yeah I know, not the best (I usually eat steel cut oats or just regular old fashioned oats) but it will do for now!
  3. Fresh produce that's easy to grab--apples, bananas, strawberries, individually bagged baby carrots, snack sized sweet peppers.
  4. Shakeology--super quick and super nutritious meal (lunch for me)--I don't have to worry too much about my other food during the day because I know I'm getting all my vitamins and nutrients with my ShakeO.
  5. Black coffee to keep me moving! 
  6. Eggs (One of my coaches on my Beachbody team shared with me how to make eggs in a mug! Such a cool idea and it was really good! Some people are turned off by the texture, but I actually liked the texture! Definitely will be doing this on those super busy mornings. 

    7.  Individual containers of plain greek yogurt--super easy to grab and go. (Couldn't find the plastic    
         spoons and all I had was my daughter's spoon. :) ) Don't judge. 

    8.  Starbucks also had this Protein Bistro Box that was pretty tasty. 

Here's what was inside:

         Boiled egg (I took a bite out of it--it didn't come like that ha!)
         Justin's Almond Butter (my obsession)
         Bread ( I will omit so I can save my yellow container for something else later in the day)

    9.  Rotisserie Chicken, microwavable veggies, and microwavable sweet potatoes for dinner.  (I 
         know it's not the best to microwave things but it's WAY better/healthier and cheaper than going 
         out and grabbing fast food.

   10. My T25 DVDs. I had my laptop out so I was able to pop that T25 workout dvd in and do my 
         workouts! The nice thing about T25 is that it's literally ONLY 25 minutes. The time goes by so     
         fast. I honestly just shoved the boxes out of the way and worked out in the tiny open space in 
         my living room. You just do what needs to be done to get it done! #noexcuses 

That's pretty much it! These are the 10 different things that have helped me stay on track during all of the "FUN"! 

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