Shakeology and Probiotics

Okay here we go....the topic no one wants to talk about OUT LOUD! 

The tummy not the outside, but the inside.

Probiotics are really hot right now. We've all heard that they are good for the body and of course, the gut. 

I have always tried to improve my digestion by drinking more water, taking Metamucil, eating lots of yogurt, and although those did help, I still suffered from IBS. I was constantly in pain and to be quite honest, I was really embarrassed about it. It was really exhausting going through this day in and day out. All I knew was I HAD to find something that worked and that would help my digestion issues. 

I started drinking Shakeology, not for the reasons of helping with digestion, but for health & nutrition reasons--it's a super nutrient dense drink, and I wanted to make sure I was feeding my body the nutrients it needed to thrive. I had done a lot of research on Shakeology and found that it was extremely nutritious and had many wonderful benefits. I started drinking it every single day for breakfast and not only did it make me feel great, but after a couple of weeks, it made me finally go the bathroom REGULARLY y'all! HALLELUJAH!  

It must have been magic or something because how can this one drink all of the sudden CHANGE my stomach habits. Well, it wasn't was due to one of the most VITAL components found in Shakeology--Probiotics. 

Okay so now that you know the role Shakeology and the Probiotics played in my life, let me explain how Probiotics help with weight loss. 

My number one goal when I started my fitness journey after having my beautiful daughter, was of course, weight loss. I wanted to SHED that baby weight and get my body back. I started to lose weight with Shakeology because it helped me feel full, it reduced my cravings, and the nutrition in the Shakeology was eliminating those nasty toxins....but I wanted to dig DEEPER into the drink and find out WHY it helps you lose weight. Yup, exactly what you're thinking--> the Pre and Probiotics play a HUGE role!

This next sentence may will shock you a bit. Our bodies are filled with bacteria. Okay the NEXT sentence will shock you. Our GI track houses 100 TRILLION bacteria. Gross, right?! But, the good news is that there's some good bacteria along with the bad bacteria

Lemme break it down for ya...

When we eat things that are high in fat (unhealthy fat) and sugar, we are actually feeding the bad bacteria in our bodies, which in turn, affects our immune system and causes it to suffer. This then leads to an abundance of bad bacteria in our GI tract. This large amount of bad bacteria causes us to CRAVE more sugar and more of the unhealthy fast because the bad bacteria WANTS to be fed. And the cycle continues. So, not only does all of this sugar and unhealthy fats cause you to gain weight, but it causes your immune system to grow weaker and weaker

OKAY, OKAY, do the Pre and Probiotics play into this?

The Pre and Probiotics are actually the "good" bacteria that keeps that gut of ours healthy. The Pre and Probiotics put the GOOD back into our intestines, which helps lower the amount of bad bacteria and balance out the good and the bad bacteria, so our GI tract is able to work the way it should. Phew! That was a mouthful!

So basically, when our GI tract is working like it should due to the Pre and Probiotics, food is able to move through our gut, forming healthy digestion.  This, in turn prevents that buildup of body fat.

Now! Let's rewind and get back to Shakeology.  

Shakeology contains a proprietary nondairy probiotic blend called Bacillus Coagulans and a key ingredient called the Yacan Root, where the prebiotic is found. The Prebiotics stimulate the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract, making them either grow or become more active, thereby increasing good digestive health. The Probiotics are the friendly bacteria strains that live in your intestines and help to digest food. 

So, in summary, the two work together to:

  • Create a balance in your gut
  • Help your body digest your food properly
  • Help you lose weight
  • Help the body absorb nutrients and minerals that your body needs to thrive
  • Promote the growth of healthy bacteria
  • Support a strong immune system

So from going to the bathroom once every 4-5 days, I NOW go 1-2 times A DAY! Drinking Shakeology everyday has TRULY helped my digestion! Yay! Since that change in my gut, I also noticed the fat start to decrease significantly. Additionally, I have WAY more energy, my sugar cravings have decreased a great deal, and I just feel light! 

There are so many wonderful benefits to drinking Shakeology and making it apart of your daily living. 

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