Postpartum Journey: Bye Bye Mom Bod

Welp..just took my before pictures as I begin my Postpartum health and fitness journey. 

That was really..really hard. 

Definitely giving myself some grace and remembering what my body was able to do the last 9 months but it's definitely still hard looking in the mirror and seeing a body you don't really at all. 

I had a five minute pity party after looking at these pictures..then I remembered what I was able to do after having Ayla, my first daughter who is now 18 months old, and what I was able to accomplish with my soul mate workout program, the 21 Day Fix. The results were honestly UNREAL and I KNOW I can do it again!!! 

I'm SCARED and EXCITED at the same time! For some reason I find doing challenging things exciting. The feeling from being able to accomplish something challenging gets me all giddy! It just makes me feel super accomplished and #likeaboss!

Things will be a little different and probably a teensy bit harder to juggle.. now that I have 2 babes but thankfully I'm doing this with 30 other moms in our Mommy Bootcamp and 30 other ladies in my August Fit Community group! I have them to keep me accountable and for support along the way! I'll DEFINITELY be needing it!

I'm SO ready for this though!

I'm ready to feel comfortable in my clothes again. I'm ready to wear something OTHER than that same flowy black dress I've been wearing every time I leave the house.

Okay. So ready to do this! And so ready to see my abs again!!!

If you're on your postpartum journey and need a wing girl, email me! I'd love to do this with you!

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