How I lost 51 pounds

did it. šŸ˜Š

I'm FINALLY back down to my pre pregnancy weight.

A lot of you who know me, know that I've always been that crazy fitness girl. 

Well last year I was in the best shape of my life. When I lived in VA, I spent a lot of my time in the gym (American Family Fitness) and loved it! We then moved to Florida and I dabbled in a few gyms but couldn't find one that I liked. 

So, I decided to give T25 a try and just workout at home. 

Gosh y'all, that program/Shaun T kicked my butt. I drank my Shakeology every single day, worked out for 25 minutes five days a week and ate clean 80% of the time. 

I was in the best shape of my life. Period. I even had a baby 6 pack! 

Then I was blessed with this AMAZING gift from God. My beautiful baby girl. 

I gained 51 pounds during my pregnancy with Ayla. 51 freaking pounds. Every single time I went to the doctor and I had to step on that DANG scale, I could feel my blood pressure rising. ⬆️ I had never seen those numbers on the scale before. It was scary to me. I had to remind myself that I was carrying this blessing and it was OKAY. I'm not going to was still really hard for me to see that number on the scale continue to rise and RISE. 

After Ayla was born, my weight dropped 20 pounds within a few days. 

Leaving me with still 31 pounds to go. 

I was ITCHING to get back into my workouts and Shakeology.

Once that 6 week mark hit and I was cleared to workout, Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix) and I became REAL tight! 

I did the 21 Day Fix and drank my shakes. I joined an online fitness group and followed the program to the TEE. 

I lost 8lbs that first round. I did another round. Then another. Lost some more inches. I'm not sure how much weight I lost at this point because after the first round I actually STOPPED weighing myself because I didn't see much change on the scale.....and it was making me crazy. šŸ˜

( I was actually stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks!!!) 

I used my pictures and the way my clothes fit as indicators. My body WAS changing even though I wasn't seeing those numbers on the scale move. 

So I continued to eat clean 80% of the time, still followed the 21 Day Fix meal plan (80% of the time), drank my ShakeO, and followed the T25 program. 


4 1/2 months later, I decided to wipe the dust off of that scale and step onto the DERN thing. 

I am finally right back to the weight I was before I had Ayla. šŸ™Œ

And it feels so dang good!!! šŸ˜Š

I owe my success to hard work, determination, support from other ladies in my groups, Shakeology, and the 21 Day Fix. 

That is the key. 

My journey isn't over though. Although my goals have changed and are no longer weightloss, I am still ready to continue my health and fitness journey and would love to have some friends join me. 

If you need some support and are looking to lose weight or tone, I would love to get you set up in my groups with the 30 minute program and shake that helped me. 

Andddd it's on promo this month, which is really exciting.šŸ‘

Email me if you want some more info. on how I can help you on your health and fitness journey.  ❤️


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