As a network marketing professional, it comes with the job..because social media is my business storefront.
And I try to share all parts of my life--the good, the bad, and the hot mess ugly parts too.
Okay..yeahhh..maybe I share more of the good and a LITTLE bit less of the "hot mess" ugly parts..{like literally right now Ayla is throwing her oatmeal all over the floor and furniture and I'm still sitting here in my robe, haven't brushed my teeth, looking all types of scary}
but you guys..if I showed you ALL parts of my ALL OF IT..I'm pretty sure some people would feel bad for me and want to bring me like flowers, chocolate, or wine or something..probably
Someonce once told me that they wish they had everything together like I did and wished they could "do it all" like I could.
I think I squinted my eyebrows so hard in confusion, that my forehead started to hurt.
I do not have any of my ish together.
Many days I can't even remember if I brushed my teeth or if I'm even wearing clean underwear.
I know you think I wear bright colored yoga pants, take selfies & workout all day.. while my children sit quietly, build with their blocks and listen to Mozart.
But I'm here to tell you that it's a "HOT-MESS slash MADHOUSE" here like all hours of the day.
I think I've just accepted that THIS IS LIFEEEE and I've gotta WERK WIT IT Y'ALLLL {I just said this in my Wendy Williams voice}
But for real.
Mom-brain is a thing.
Y'all I've lost my dang mind ever since I had children. I need to do crossword puzzles or something because mom brain is definitely a real thing. When people ask me how old I am, I stare at them blankly in the face, purse my lips in deep thought, and start counting the years in my head, and say it's 27..wait, it's actually 28. When the nurse at the front desk asks me the for the birthdate of my children, my forehead starts to wrinkle as I push down the tops of my forehead into my eyes..with the most confused face ever..trying to remember when my children were even born. After minutes of staring at the ceiling.. thinking, I still give the extremely patient nurse the wrong date.
When people tell me they don't drink coffee, I freak.
I wish you could see my face when people tell me this. Like I literally cannot comprehend that statement. My 2 year old knows that I don't do anything in the morning without having my coffee of the first things I taught her. Start em young people. start em young.
Oh. And moms who say they don't have to reheat their coffee like 27 times. I don't believe you.

You guys. When I leave the house to go to Target or the grocery store, and get everyone dressed, get myself on, diaper bag ready, snacks packed, water packed and INTO THE CAR...I feel like a mother-frickin BEAST! Like I just crushed that.
Like I feel like I just crushed a challenge on The Biggest Loser. No joke. I'm THAT proud of myself.
So when you see a mom out and about, looking put together..give her a shout out. Because that ish ain't easy.
Oh and it's a miracle if we make it to our doctor appointments on time. But that's another story.
Oh and if I'm wearing a sweatshirt during the day (I live in Florida)..
It wasn't a bra day. It just wasn't happening.
Or it just might be in my daughter's toy box and I can't find it. Or on the floor with the other hundreds of toys that cover my living room floor no matter how many times I clean it. But who really knows where the dang bra is?
Sometimes I yell at my children and that MOM GUILT is seriously the worst!
Gosh. I yell at my kid more that I should. Nobody likes to admit they yell at their kids, because its the absolute worst feeling in the world. At least to me it is. When I do this I instantly wish I could take it back. Like what am I even doing? Why am I even yelling at this poor child? Ugh the mom guilt. Like, I seriously have to get myself in check sometimes, go into the bathroom, take a minute and tell myself to get it together when I do yell or feel like I'm about to lose it. Being a mom can be frustrating and stressful at times, but I have to remind myself that what I am doing..what she sees me doing, she's also learning to do.
Monkey see. Monkey do. I remind myself of that all the time & want to make sure I'm setting a good example for my sweet girl<3
Okay that was a little too deep.
Maybe it'll make you laugh or maybe it'll make you say something like, "What in the actual eff, Nesli?"
This is what my pile of laundry looks like. all.the.time.
How does a family even go through that many clothes in a week???!!
Hmm..well actually that might be two weeks because laundry doesn't happen that often around here.
When we run out of clean underwear, is pretty much when it's laundry time.
"Can I just go to the bathroom ALONE?" is a common question around here.
The answer is no. It's always no.
but when my husband comes home from work, he goes right to the bathroom and sits on the toilet for 30 minutes. in peace & quiet. with the door closed. every. single. day.
That's livin' right there.
I assume it is. That's never happened to me before.
{I hope my husband isn't reading this haha I might be in trouble for calling him out}
It's not a perfect life. But it is MY perfect life.

Just kidddinggggg <3
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