Healthy Chocolate Recipe

Are you a little confused by the title of this blog post?

I mean come on, HEALTHY chocolate?! There's no such thing!
Oh but there is...

I've done it y'all!
I've found a solution to ALL of our problems--because everyone's problem is being addicted to chocolate. At least that's one of my biggest problems! 

If you know me, you know that I have a HUGE sweet tooth! And my hubby has an even BIGGER sweet tooth. Before we started doing the 21 Day Fix, we used to have a glass of milk along with 3-4 (mostly 4) Trader Joes cookies. The dark chocolate with pecan cookies were my fav! 

This milk and cookie routine obviously wasn't good and we seriously needed to get out of that habit...

Thus, Shakeology came into our lives...this has been a HUGE game changer for us! It's definitely helped curb our sweet cravings. We even sometimes have half a scoop of Shakeo for dessert.
Well, clearly having Shakeology every night, in addition to having it for breakfast, was making me see the bottom of the bag before the 30 days (I get a new bag every month). So I HAD to something!

Dun dun dun...

Homemade chocolate was born! And guess what...hubby LOVED it. You know when the hubby loves something you create in the kitchen, it has to be GOOD!

Here's the RECIPE if you want to try it!

What You'll Need:

1 tbsp of carob powder or 100% natural cocoa powder ( I used the cocoa powder)
1 tbsp of melted coconut oil
1/2 packet of stevia or a couple liquid stevia drops
*You can also add 1 tbsp of shredded coconut, chopped almonds, etc.

What You'll Do:

1. Mix it altogether. 
2. Pour into a muffin foil.
3. You can throw 3-4 raw almonds on top and let them sink to the bottom of the melted mixture.
4. Put it in the freezer for about 20 minutes.

Enjoy this deliciousness! 

This makes 1 serving/cup.

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